Message of Solidarity

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While we continue to face a pandemic where those inflicted by this virus fight for every breath, we are now faced with an atrocity that saw a fellow American, in broad daylight, call out in vain “I can’t breathe.” George Floyd’s life mattered. Black Lives Matter.

When such atrocities happen and exhibit patterns of behaviors that target race or ethnicity, we, as fellow Americans and citizens of the world – civilians and police alike – must stand together against systemic racism and discrimination.

IBTCI stands united in support of the many individuals peacefully exercising their constitutional right to protest injustice and inequality. While it is true that no one can truly step into the shoes of another to fully understand the other’s life experiences, empathy can go a long way to preserve the dignity of humanity. We each can contribute in our own ways by espousing to conduct our work and lives without prejudice and hatred.

– Ajay S. Kalotra
President, CEO
International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI)
