YMEPII in Yemen

USAID contracted IBTCI to lead the multi-year Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Project in Yemen (YMEP) to generate critical information required to plan and adapt aid portfolios in this area hit by conflict.  This included extensive collaboration with USAID’s implementation partners (IPs). IBTCI’s support included atmospheric reporting on conflict within Yemen, needs-assessment reporting, and oversight on the activities of USAID IPs in the education, democracy & governance, economic growth, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sectors. IBTCI’s early stage efforts involved conducting detailed analysis on Yemen’s domestic markets, social services, and banking systems while assessing potential areas-of-growth for youth related sectors and post-conflict opportunities. YMEPII leveraged IBTCI’s regional and cultural expertise through 213 evaluation site-visits to Yemen, leading multiple Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) training seminars for implementing partners, and assessments on stabilization programming/macro-level monitoring reports.
